BEST ME Online Coach Training - ‘The Yoga teacher of the future’

Chris, Tobie, Charlotte and other members of our wellbeing team

We are very excited to offer this training which has been seven years in the making. Chris, Tobie, Charlotte and others in the team have been discussing the need for a whole new approach to yoga teaching and coaching that meets the needs of today’s client. There are hundreds of thousands of yoga teachers, and multiple types of coach, but none of them are being trained to work in a way that embraces the whole of the human lifestyle. Yoga is the perfect system for today’s challenges, but it’s true expression has mostly been lost. Life is complex and stressful for so many of us these days, and there is a profound need for a support system which centres on holistic wellbeing experts who are both full of compassion and also supported by an on and offline ecosystem.

We have created a training that merges the ancient wisdom of yoga with modern therapeutic techniques and cutting edge science. We offer this as an on and offline course – 150hr online, plus a 50hr module at one of our centres. This offline module will take the form of a practicum which allows us to assess you face to face and give the feedback and guidance that will ensure the best possible version of YOU as a coach.

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Our Vision

Our vision is to offer a training that will create the Yoga teacher of the future. Yoga today is often little more than a physical workout, which poorly reflects its ancient origins as the art and science of living a healthy and fulfilling life. Yoga was conceived as a support system which embraces all areas of our lives – the mind & emotions, sleep & relaxation, nutrition, exercise & movement, relationships, nurturing surroundings, creativity, financial abundance, and spiritual growth.

We are reaching back to the past in order to create the future. In so doing, we envision our coaches offering a personalised service which is tailored to the specific goals and needs of each of their clients. This will involve the creation of a client’s personal wellbeing program (PWP) that involves a consideration of the whole of their lifestyle. Given our ambitious vision, we need teachers who are ready to partner with us and create an entirely new way of seeing health, happiness and longevity.

‘Only about 20% of health and longevity is dictated by genes, while about 80% is influenced by lifestyle and environment’ – Danish Twin Study

Who is this training for?

This is a training for 200hr and 300hr registered yoga teaches who have already recognised the need to offer a deeper, more holistic service to their clients. Given that our BEST ME ecosystem supports both our Ashiyana coaches and their clients, there is the opportunity for creating a far more abundant and enjoyable career as a wellbeing practitioner.

The philosophy of Ashiyana has always been to hold our staff and customers in a loving embrace. This means having empathy, great listening skills, and a passion for supporting others on their wellbeing journeys. If you have these essential qualities, then our course will provide you with the rest.


A client’s wellbeing goals and issues need to be considered from a holistic point of view and not through the lens of reductionist thinking which prevails today. For example, when considering weight loss, diet and exercise are essential components but there is also a mental/emotional element, and often root cause. The ability to embrace, and then maintain, changes in lifestyle is all about the mind and emotions, and this requires expert human support and guidance (as opposed to an AI bot).

Structure of the Course

Since the majority of the course is in the form of an online training we will have regular assessments and coursework. During the one week practicum at our centre, you will be regularly assessed for both your knowledge and your ‘bedside manner’ with clients.

  1. Introduction
    • Course overview
    • Our approach to coaching – including behavioural change, group coaching, and remote monitoring, challenges
    • The BEST ME ecosystem – a unique ecosystem of support for both client and practitioner
    • Introduction to the personal wellbeing program (PWP)
    • Gaia and the quantum view
  2. Modifiable lifestyle factors (9 pillars of wellbeing) 
    • Sleep, rest, relaxation, meditation and mindfulness – empowering mental and emotional wellbeing
    • Environment & surroundings (home, work, eco considerations)
    • Relationships
    • Self-care – including natural beauty, hygiene
    • Nutrition, detoxing and fasting – including food choices and eating patterns
    • Exercise, movement, posture, body image
    • Spirituality and growth
    • Creativity, hobbies and fun
    • Career and abundance – including fulfillment, financial security, and giving back
  3. The language of the body
    • Anatomy and physiology
    • Pathophysiology
    • Gut health, digestion and immunity – including stress response, chronic inflammation and coaching chronic conditions
    • Hormone balance
    • Energy and resilience
    • Biomarkers
  4. Coaching skills
    • Soft skills – empathy, compassionate listening, loving embrace, plan creation
    • Counselling skills – plan creation, therapeutic dialogue, CBT, NLP, emotional intelligence, resilience
    • Archetypes
  5. Resources 
    • Content creation – Library
    • Creating and marketing Experiences
    • Creating and facilitating Groups
    • BEST ME Career platform
    • CPD – Courses, trainings and work opportunities

Daily Schedule

BEST ME platform –


While there are unquestionably significant issues with our dependency on today’s burgeoning digital world, there are also profoundly beneficial opportunities. We believe that the key is to design technology so that it catalyses and empowers the expert, human guidance and support. This way, there is synergy between the human and digital elements, and the overall offer is much greater than the sum of the parts.

So once you’ve been trained in our unique approach to wellbeing you will work with your clients through our BEST ME platform. The platform has been designed around you, the coach, so you will be able to recommend your own products and services (as well as those of other practitioners) that you have created within our BEST ME ecosystem. This includes creating content for the ‘Library’ in the form of classes, talks and programs (online workshops and retreats); creating ‘Experiences’ – offline courses, retreats and trainings; and creating ‘Groups’ focussed on specific goals and issues which enable peer group support both on and offline. Apart from the integrity of you being able to offer excellent and personalised content to your client, this also means that you will have multiple profit centres with our ecosystem.


Pricing & Accommodation

Our prices are fully inclusive of tuition and a comprehensive course manual. Graduates will be given a certificate of graduation unless there are issues, in which case you will be asked to resit the relevant parts of the course.

For the 50hr module we highly recommend that you stay on site so that you can fully immerse yourself in the training and avoid unnecessary distractions. However there is a non-residential option, as shown above, if that suits you better. Contact us for more details.

A booking is effective once the 35% deposit has been paid. Balances are due 2 months before the start. If you wish to book we will send you an application form to complete which has all of the details that you need.

Fill in the enquiry form below for more information and to book your place.

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€5,200 - FULL PRICE, including 50hr module and accommodation at our centre


€4,350 - NON RESIDENCY* including 50hr module at our centre and three meals per day


Contact Us

For all enquiries, please fill in our contact form below. We shall respond to you as soon as possible.